Place a martini or coupe glass in the freezer to chill.
Thoroughly rinse the raspberries under cold water. Transfer the raspberries to a small saucepan, add the sugar, and simmer on medium to low heat.
Once the raspberries have disintegrated into a syrup consistency, place a mesh strainer over a bowl and pour the raspberry sauce. Stir the syrup through the strainer to remove the raspberry seeds using a metal spoon. Pour 5-6 drops of rose water into the syrup and stir. Place the syrup in an airtight container and store in the refrigerator.
Add the vodka, espresso, raspberry rose syrup, Kahlua, and ice to a cocktail shaker. Shake until ice cold. Pour into the chilled martini or coupe glass.
to garnish, place the raspberry powder into a small mesh cocktail strainer and lightly sift the raspberry powder on the top of the espresso martini. Add 3 espresso beans and serve. Cheers!