Every morning, I brush my teeth, wash my face, put my contacts in my eyes, and most mornings I turn on my Breville Barista Express Espresso Machine and make myself an iced honey latte. Making a latte in the morning has been my morning ritual for the past 5 years. Admittedly, it’s what excites me when waking up. I look forward to smelling the aroma of espresso and taking that first sip because it brings me complete satisfaction and gives a very much needed boost of energy to get shit done. I consider myself to be a coffee connoisseur. I frequent a boutique coffee shop in Los Feliz, CA called Maru, which is where I buy whole espresso beans.
My go-to sweetener for the lattes I make at home is honey because it’s healthier than sugar and if I’m going to be consuming them daily, it may as well have health benefits (flips hair). Plus, honey and espresso were simply made for each other. The acidity from the espresso and rich flavor of honey makes a perfectly balanced latte.
One morning, I woke up, ground the beans needed for 2 shots of espresso only to find out I was out of honey. I had pistachio milk, ice, espresso, but no honey! Upon searching my sweetener drawer I found an unopened bottle of black truffle honey. My only options were maple syrup, truffle honey, and whipping up a batch of lavender simple syrup. I chose black truffle honey and boy was it life changing! The flavor profile of the Black Truffle Honey Latte was unexpectedly delicious – earthy, floral, and has umami. It tasted like a rich bitch latte. So, quite naturally, I ended up using the entire $29.00 bottle of black truffle honey on my morning lattes for the next 2 ½ weeks. I was hooked. After about 1 week in, I figured if I’m going to continue this rich bitch journey, I might as well go all in because I only live once. So, on a Sunday, I visited the farmer’s market in Sherman Oaks, CA, and purchased a whole black truffle to add shavings to my lattes. I can officially cross a Black Truffle Honey Latte off my bucket list. I encourage you to do the same, I promise, you won’t regret it.

Black Truffle & Honey Latte
- Espresso machine
- truffle shaver
- small cup or glass
- 8 oz glass
- 1 black truffle
- 1 oz black truffle honey
- 2 oz espresso
- 4 oz milk (I recommend Elmhurst Barista Pistachio Milk)
- ice
- Add the truffle honey to a small shot glass or mug and a small pinch of Finishing Salt.
- Brew the espresso in the same glass or mug. Whisk or stir the ingredients to combine.
- Fill the glass with ice, add the milk, then pour in the espresso with black truffle honey.
- Top with shaved black truffle.